Use this calculator to find out the cutting dimensions of your Furlex. 


Boat model: (for notification)
Furlex model: Forestay type:
Forestay size: Rigging screw:
Existing forestay length (FL): mm
If links or extra toggles are to be used, specify their total length (H): mm


Wire length (WL): WL is the distance from the hole center in the swaged top terminal to one of the following options:

  • The cutting point on stalok terminated systems.
  • The end of the stud terminal on fixed length forestays.
Number of 2400mm sections to be used: units

Number of 2000mm sections to be used:

The length of the distance tube in the 2000mm extrusion is 1900 mm. Reduce the length of the distance tube to 1800 mm when the 2000mm extrusion is used second from the top.


Top luff section length (D) after cutting:

(length before cutting )


Top distance tube length (E) after cutting:

(length before cutting )

Max luff: mm